
public enum RbThread

This type provides a namespace for working with Ruby threads.

You cannot call Ruby on arbitrary threads: only the very first thread where RubyGateway gets used or threads created by Ruby’s Thread class.

There is no way to ‘attach’ the Ruby runtime to a thread created by client code (eg. one accessed via libdispatch).

Even when multiple Ruby threads are active, the VM executes just one at a time under control of a single lock known as the GVL. The GVL is given up over Ruby blocking operations and can be manually relinquished using RbThread.callWithoutGvl(callback:).

Inside a block that has given up the GVL, you must not call any Ruby code or it will at best crash. You can execute some code inside your GVL-free scope that is allowed to call Ruby using RbThread.callWithGvl(callback:).


static func create(callback: () -> Void) -> RbObject?

Create a Ruby thread.

This is a simple wrapper around creating a Ruby Thread object.


You must retain the returned RbObject until the Ruby thread has finished to ensure the Swift callback is not released prematurely.

public static func create(callback: @escaping () -> Void) -> RbObject?

Callback to make on the new thread

Return Value

The Ruby Thread object, or nil if there was a problem. See RbError.history for details of any error.

static func isRubyThread() -> Bool

Does the Ruby VM know about the current thread?

public static func isRubyThread() -> Bool
Return Value

true if this is the main thread or another created by Ruby where it’s OK to call Ruby functions.

static func callWithoutGvl(callback: () -> Void)

From a Ruby thread, run some non-Ruby code without the GVL.

This allows other Ruby threads to run. See the Ruby source code for lengthy comments about how to do this safely.

Using this API ends up with no unblocking function for the section. See callWithoutGvl(unblocking:callback:) to configure that.

public static func callWithoutGvl(callback: () -> Void)

enum UnblockingFunc

A way to unblock a thread executing inside a callWithoutGvl section.

public enum UnblockingFunc

static func callWithoutGvl(unblocking: UnblockingFunc, callback: () -> Void)

From a Ruby thread, run some non-Ruby code without the GVL.

This allows other Ruby threads to run. See the Ruby source code for lengthy comments about how to do this safely.

This version of the API takes an unblocking function to be used when Ruby wants to interrupt the thread and get it back under GVL control.

public static func callWithoutGvl(
    unblocking: UnblockingFunc, callback: () -> Void)

static func callWithGvl(callback: () -> Void)

From a GVL-free section of code on a Ruby thread, reacquire the GVL and run some code.

This cannot be used to attach a native thread to Ruby. It should only be used from within the callback passed to callWithoutGvl(callback:). See the Ruby source code for more commentary.

public static func callWithGvl(callback: () -> Void)