
What I would otherwise forget

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SourceKit –

Valid July 2017 with swift:master

Quest: find out why subscript + typealias do not show up.



ABC EditorConsumer in SourceKit/include/SourceKit/core/LangSupport.h.

Passes through data unchanged into the dictionary. Tells us what fields occur though in this view, represented by DocStructureArray.cpp:Node:

Then optionally:

=> Not responsible for discarding subscripts and typealias.

Semantic annotations

‘Semantic annotations’ here are an array of {kind/offset/length/system} structures that come out between the syntaxmap and the substructure. They are generated from a walk of the AST looking for visitDeclReference() calls – that is not stuff being declared, rather refs to other types. The SourceKit keys are the source.lang.swift.ref. family.

=> Even if I could make this work it would not help.


This is the relatively-long-lived data structure that is held for Xcode for each file. The one-shot usage I care about is not the main case.

Defined in SwiftLangSupport.h, implementation over in SwiftEditor.cpp.

class SwiftEditorDocument :
        public ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<SwiftEditorDocument>

Members in SwiftEditorDocument::Implementation struct. The most important part is the SwiftDocumentSyntaxInfo class that holds the file data and owns the ParserUnit that holds and populates the actual SourceFile.

The call to SwiftEditorDocument::parse() invokes the Swift compiler and creates the full AST in the SourceFile ready to be looked at.


The SwiftDocumentStructureWalker is the thing that pushes structure nodes back to the client. There are no early ‘return’s from walkToSubStructurePre() so no blame here.

This walker is invoked in a slightly roundabout way by SwiftEditorDocument::readSyntaxInfo():

Lots of opportunity for dropping the ball here but the relevant code is simple and looks to be correct.

The routine that maps to SourceKit UIDs, SwiftLangSupport::getUIDForSyntaxStructureKind(), does not expect to receive calls about typealiases or subscripts, so this is all consistent with the upstream code.

So move on to ide::SyntaxModelContext::walk().


(Now we are in swift/lib/IDE/SyntaxModel.cpp)

SyntaxModelContext constructor tokenizes the file (so this is the second pass over the file, it has already been parsed once) and builds up an array of SyntaxNodes.

Then the walk method builds a ModelASTWalker and runs it over the source file.

The point of all this is to emit a merged, linear view of syntax and structure. The walk is driven by the structure – from the ASTWalker – but, broadly, when it it finds a structure node to emit, it first consumes the SyntaxNodes that occur before the structure node and spits them out to the client.

This is all a bit weird given in our client we do not care about the relation between the two worlds – brief look, can’t find anyone who does. Perhaps in Xcode or some other closed-source component.

On the face of it then, the problem is that ModelASTWalker::walkToDeclPre() does a non-exhaustive check of Decl types that ignores typealiases at least.

Examining the Decl tree shows the following are missed by this routine:

This entirely explains the observed behaviour including why subscript parameters show up in the wrong place - because the SubscriptDecl is missed, the tree doesn’t nest and the params that come in next just stick at the current level.

Xcode can’t be relying on this! Looks easy enough to fix these, though haven’t checked for any other consumers. Suspect none.

Another bug: the accessibility key is missing from extension declarations. This is because SwiftDocumentStructureWalker::walkToSubStructurePre() only looks for accessibility on ValueDecls which does not cover ExtensionDecl.

Finding all uses of SwiftDocumentStructureWalker

Via static helper SwiftEditorDocument::reportDocumentStructure():

  1. SwiftInterfaceGen.cpp:reportDocumentStructure()
    1. SwiftInterfaceGenContext::reportEditorInfo()
      1. SwiftLangSupport::editorOpenTypeInterface()
      2. SwiftLangSupport::editorOpenInterface()
      3. SwiftLangSupport::editorOpenHeaderInterface()
      4. PrimaryFileInterfaceConsumer::handlePrimaryAST() 1. SwiftLangSupport::editorOpenSwiftSourceInterface()

Via member SwiftEditorDocument::readSyntaxInfo()

  1. SwiftLangSupport::editorOpen()
  2. SwiftLangSupport::editorReplaceText()

Leading to these SourceKit requests: