Main APIs
These types form the main API.
class PersistentContainer
class PersistentContainer
@interface PersistentContainer
A container for a Core Data stack that provides automatic multi-step shortest-path persistent store migration.
This is a drop-in replacement for NSPersistentContainer
that automatically detects
and performs multi-step store migration as part of the loadPersistentStores(...)
-[PersistentContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:]
The container searches for models and mapping models, then constructs the best sequence in which to migrate stores. It prefers to use explicit mapping models over inferred mapping models when there is a choice. Progress and status can be reported back to the client code.
See the user guide for more details.
See PersistentCloudKitContainer
for a version capable of managing both
CloudKit-backed and non-cloud stores..
open class PersistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer,
PersistentContainerMigratable, PersistentContainerProtocol,
LogMessageEmitter, Sendable
@interface PersistentContainer : NSPersistentContainer
class PersistentCloudKitContainer
class PersistentCloudKitContainer
@interface PersistentCloudKitContainer
A container for a Core Data stack that provides automatic multi-step shortest-path persistent store migration, capable of managing both CloudKit-backed and non-cloud stores.
This is a drop-in replacement for NSPersistentCloudKitContainer
automatically detects and performs multi-step store migration as part of the
-[PersistentCloudKitContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:]
The container searches for models and mapping models, then constructs the best sequence in which to migrate stores. It prefers to use explicit mapping models over inferred mapping models when there is a choice. Progress and status can be reported back to the client code.
See the user guide for more details.
See PersistentContainer
for a version that does not support CloudKit-backed stores.
open class PersistentCloudKitContainer: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer,
PersistentContainerMigratable, PersistentContainerProtocol,
LogMessageEmitter, Sendable
@interface PersistentCloudKitContainer : NSPersistentCloudKitContainer
enum ModelVersionOrder
enum ModelVersionOrder
A rule for ordering model versions. The persistent container performs automatic multi-step migration in the direction defined by this rule, which operates on the names of the model version. Note that the model version here is the part of its filename before ‘.xcdatamodel’ – not the optional ‘Model Version Identifier’ that you can set in the model’s properties panel.
public enum ModelVersionOrder: Sendable
extension ModelVersionOrder: CustomStringConvertible
enum MigrationError
enum MigrationError
Errors that can occur preventing persistent store loading, passed into the callback given to
-[PersistentContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:]
-[PersistentCloudKitContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:]
When any of these unusual conditions occurs, the persistent container provides a lot of human-readable (-ish) information to the logging interface. The first step to debugging one of these errors is to read that text and try to make sense of it.
public enum MigrationError: Error, Sendable
extension MigrationError: CustomStringConvertible
protocol MigrationDelegate
protocol MigrationDelegate
A delegate that can be provided to PersistentContainer
or PersistentCloudKitContainer
to receive events describing the progress of migrations. These events can be used to update a user
interface or for app internal logging.
All methods are called while PersistentContainer.loadPersistentStores(...)
-[PersistentContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:]
is active.
If any of the NSPersistentStoreDescription
s have the shouldAddStoreAsynchronously
set to true
then all methods are called on a private background queue. If all of the store
descriptions have the flag set to false
then the methods are called on the same queue on which
-[PersistentContainer loadPersistentStoresWithCompletionHandler:]
was called.
The stores in PersistentContainer.persistentStoreDescriptions
are processed sequentially.
Stores that are not migratable (not on disk) are ignored and do not represent in this delegate.
A store that does not require migration (the normal case!) sees the sequence:
- willConsiderStore
- willNotMigrateStore
A store requiring a 2-step migration sees the sequence:
- willConsiderStore
- willMigrateStore - totalSteps=2
- willSingleMigrateStore - stepsRemaining=2
- willSingleMigrateStore - stepsRemaining=1
- didMigrateStore
Errors can occur at any point following willConsiderStore
for example:
- willConsiderStore
- willMigrateStore - totalSteps=8
- didFailToMigrateStore
public protocol MigrationDelegate: AnyObject